But, is it nothing to know when you are dying, when you are about to take leave of this world, of its joys and sorrows, when the past of your life is unfurled before you, when eternity opens wide its portals, is it nothing to know at that last awful,supreme moment of your lives, that you have not lived in vain, that you have lived for the benefit of others, that you have lived to help in the cause of your country's regeneration?

-Surendranath Banerjea

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm so very mesmerized by the different kind of talents in each person..
And I'm even more carried away by how beautiful people are.. never noticed people were all this gorgeous..

Khuda Hafiz


Onward said...

huh?? wats with the philosophy?

Gayathri said...

@Amith,just a thought man..we are soo busy to notice and enjoy the beauty around..or to notice how wonderful life is.. we are just carried away by riches and our thoughts blurred by poverty..